So ends the month of November.

21 posts in 30 days. Wrote about UpWing/DownWing thought, networks (as a form of human organization), proceduralization of decisions, and a little bit more on the Dark Enlightenment, among some other smaller one-shot posts.

I experimented with different ways of writing, compiling notes from my own private online discussions (which was low-cost but ultimately not of the quality I wanted), writing shorter/more frequent posts (enjoyable, workable), and the old longform posts (probably the most satisfying to write but maybe not worth it at my usual post frequency).

At ~22,400 words, I still technically fell short of NaNoWriMo’s “write a 50,000 word novel in a month” challenge, which I wasn’t seriously considering anyway, so there. It’s also about 10% less than last month, even though it’s the same number of posts. My average post was a reasonable 1200 words. I expect that in the coming month, these metrics will decrease a bit more, even though I still have plenty of stuff to say/regurgitate.



Reviewing Five Week Plan II

Five Week Plan III